May 20, 2009

Who can hit the hardest?

could scream a dictionary of your flaws at you
but you’d end up stripping me down
(no further than I should be)
Maybe I would sing
your bible of lies to you,
screaming your hymns to the heavens
but I’d be left with nothing
as you took me down the scenic route
of everything that should have been
blamed on me.
These two people,
two pieces of the same puzzle
two pawns in the same game.
A game of who can
hit the hardest.
Well, who can hit the hardest?
I never wanted to know,
and here I am,
last round,
and I guess it’s my turn.

May 14, 2009

Even angels without wings are too good for us

Feather by feather
my angels wings were
torn apart, plucked bare and clean.
What draws down
an angel from his clouds?
Certainly nothing
beautiful or good.
Is it his charges
singing electronic hymns?
Or is it the dance floor prayers?
Have you ever tried to hold the moonlight
between your two palms?
Or keep the morning dew
sparkling all day?
Then you'll know
nothing beautiful ever stays.
Well it did, for me;
My angel lost his feathers
and they fill my hands
a million times over.

Never is a love letter an autobiography

This was never a love letter

when I wrote it down
But god knows
Nothing gold can ever stay.
Now I have no idea
as to what to say.
So give me some time
for when the river starts
I can't tell you when it'll stop.
I'm the
midnight toker
who never knew
it could get any better,
so when it started to
I ran like hell.


My heart is a map of stars
a canvas spattered in constellations.
Each blazing point,
a soul that touched mine.
Like stars,
some still burn
and some are long gone.
Still their light remains
like a vague memory
I never quite lost
or a sigh
stuck to the tip of my tongue.

Sing me some maybe's

Just maybe
I don't want to say a word
but sometimes
I could sing the dictionary to you
and still not be done.
One word
just isn't enough
a word is just
too much.
and sometimes,
words just

Like the sea man does

I want to write,
I want to sing my ink-words,
I want to weave my words
into skittery little nets and cast them
upon my blank paper-canvas,
imitating the sea man,
casting his net into the sea
far and wide
searching for tonight's catch


I can't stand it,
hate it even.
Your resonating voice
spins a false web,
a cacophony of lies
pouring out of your mouth
staining your vocabulary black
like tar.
such simple words.
such vile words.
a burning throat you must have
for such words sting not only yourself.
further and further
into the spiders silk
you wrap yourself
singing a noxious song
you'll burn us all.

Impressions on a first name basis

Through and through,
you know me
but in a very real sense,
you don't.
Every word my soul can sing
you've read
but word for word,
our conversations are limited.
I would not have it this way,
but the choice is far from mine.
A lasting impression,
started so quickly,
I hope ends
not briefly

May 13, 2009

A note is a word is a song

I am an artist
to what caliber
I do not know
yet I will not
let my pen sing
my hearts melodies
if a note is missing,
I will not say
half a word
for its diminished value.
I will sing
loud and clear
every note that I am
for you all to hear
failure be damned.
My theme, my blood
my bone
my eyes
my lips
and the words they utter;
for i am a dance,
not a tune you can sing
with half the words;
so see them flow
dance and glow
like stars on a lake
the moon in your eyes,
water over rocks.
these words live in me
so without them,
I'll never be.

How many steps

In this city I’ll roam,
Cold to the bone
A chill I caught along the way.
Its creeping deeper,
The longer I carry this mantle.
It’s a shameful walk
setting the trend of my journey,
A shuffle beside the runner.
Cement, my only guide through
City smog,
smothering all stars, skies,
Illuminating this spooky town.
Its an eerie pull that drives
Whatever's left of this tired body,
This old soul.
It’s a thousand times
I’ve done this before
and I’ll do it
a thousand more.

Scripts and suns

In silence and sorrow
I'll bury these words
and the power they hold.
Just another reminder of
what I hide.
Its a quiet question all of this poses,
but really
what chance do I have,
trying to answer every curve ball
thrown in my direction.
In the shadow of everything transpired,
I'll hold my own until a new sun is born.


what is it?
a flick
a leap
a quick laugh
a kick in the face.
it stamps us into our molds
strips us down,

Target girl

You've got me
exactly where you
want me
so get the ball rolling,
this pose is
breaking my bones.
The strain is
rending me
into a million little pieces.

A gasoline rainbow

Walking and walking
A summer day into a summer night
I dipped my toes into a gasoline rainbow
trying and trying
to figure it out,
why is something so beautiful
so ugly
when you really think about it?

Through a different lense

Maybe I'm looking
through a lense
and everything I'm seeing
isn't real.
It could be true,
but I'd rather not konw
until it all has to

Sing song like attitude

I'm singing a song like
no other
a tune filled with everything
I can be.
Its a song
Its a dance
its everything in between.

Memories are

That pretty little
wind song that
plays in my head,
the melody that
creeps its way
up my neck;
For full effect,
dancing and twisting
across my skin
singing a tune
I once knew all the words to.

Feb 2009