May 30, 2010

Are band-aides big enough?

It’s a bit past spring
spring cleaning that is,
and I’m sweeping;
Sweeping up, sweeping away
every last vestige
of you.
And oh god, it hurts.
Did you know
how much it hurt
when you left?
You were my scab,
as bad as that sounds.
You were thick and tough,
and you clung to my skin
keeping in the bleeding,
hiding my wounds.
And too soon, too soon,
you ripped yourself off and
away you fluttered,
slowly at first
because I could still see you,
and then
out of sight you fell,
gone in the wind.
So I grew a new scab,
it blossomed where you left off,
and as time went on
your voice faded from my mind
and a shiny layer of scar tissue
is all I’ve got left of where you used to be.


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