December 3, 2010

Matches to ashes

Have you ever played with fire
just to hide behind a wall of smoke?
What is it about dangerous things
that hide the most vulnerable?
Ever noticed,
When you run your fingers through candle flame
You half hope to God
something will go wrong.
Is it because you want to pull away,
wanting the sudden flash of fight or flight?
Or does the wound serve the ego?
A story to tell and a sick thrill of victory, to boot.
Maybe its our need to play God with ourselves.
Do we create chaos
just to have the power
to control everything and walk away?
Sort of like throwing the match
exactly where you want it;
the starting point with the most potential,
then stepping away
when the smoke and alarms turn
the spotlights in a different direction.
Maybe our fire, smoke and chaos
is humanities chance at designing something of a legacy;
Fuelled into life by its insatiable appetite for destruction
and instilled with less than no moral guides.
A legacy that can only burn itself out.


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